Maybe it’s the word “infrared” or the way saunas are known for thoroughly heating the body, but I often have customers who ask me questions about whether or not far infrared saunas are safe. In a word: yes; infrared saunas are safe for most people. Using an infrared sauna is really no more dangerous than going for a jog on a hot summer’s day.
That is to say, any risks of far infrared saunas have nothing to do with the actual IR rays that are generated. Sure, your core body temperature will see a significant rise, but that’s safe and healthy, not to mention the whole point of using an infrared sauna in the first place. Still, misconceptions have a way of persisting. In the interest of making sure that your far infrared sauna experience is as comfortable, refreshing, and relaxing as can be, I’d like to review some of the safety measures, tips, and cautions that you should know before you step in a sauna, as well as some best practices for using an infrared sauna.
As a comprehensive guide to infrared saunas, it makes sense to discuss common concerns in regard to taking regular sauna sessions. Consult with your primary care physician if you have any doubts surrounding your personal health and regular infra-red sauna use. While it’s perfectly safe to use an infrared sauna, there are a few in-stances where we recommend speaking to your doctor first.
People who take prescription drugs should consult with their physician before use of infrared sauna, as the effects of their prescription might change during increased core body temperature. Diuretics, barbiturates, and beta-blockers may impair the body’s natural heat loss mechanisms. There are also over-the-counter drugs such as antihistamines that may cause the body to be more prone to heat stroke.
The core body temperature of children rises much faster than adults. This occurs due to a higher metabolic rate per body mass, limited circulatory adaptation to increased cardiac demands and the inability to regulate body temperature by sweating. Consult with your child’s pediatrician before they use the sauna. As noted in the Medical Studies chapter, children have been taking saunas with their parents for hundreds if not thousands of years.
The ability to maintain core body temperature decreases with age. This is primarily due to circulatory conditions and decreased sweat gland function. The body must be able to activate its natural cooling processes in order to maintain core body temperature.
Individuals with cardiovascular conditions such as hypertension / hypotension, congestive heart failure, impaired coronary circulation or those taking medications which might affect blood pressure, should exercise caution when exposed to prolonged heat. Heat stress increases cardiac output and blood flow in an effort to transfer internal body heat to the outside environment via the skin (perspiration) and respiratory system. This takes place primarily due to major changes in the heart rate, which has the potential to increase by thirty beats per minute for each degree increase in core body temperature.
Contrary to popular belief, it is not advisable to attempt to ‘sweat out’ a hangover. Alcohol intoxication decreases a person’s judgment; therefore, they may not realize when the body has a negative reaction to high heat. Alcohol also increases the heart rate, which may be further increased by heat stress. Alcohol consumption is not recommended with infrared sauna use.
Multiple Sclerosis, Central Nervous System Tumors, and Diabetes with Neuropathy are conditions associated with impaired sweating. You may want to consult your doctor to find out how sweating will affect your disease and the prescription medication you take as a result.
The use of infrared saunas should be avoided by anyone who is predisposed to bleeding.FeverYou should not use the sauna when you have a fever or are extremely sick with a cold.
An individual that has insensitivity to heat should not use a sauna.
Pregnant women should consult a physician before using a sauna because fetal damage can occur with a certain elevated body temperature. See the medical studies chapter for more information on pregnancy and sauna use.
Heating of the low back area of women during the menstrual period may temporarily increase their menstrual flow. Some women endure this process to gain the pain relief commonly associated with their cycle, whereas others simply choose to avoid the saunas use during that time of the month.
If you have a recent (acute) joint injury, it should not be heated for the first 48 hours after injury or until the hot and swollen symptoms subside. If you have a joint or joints that are chronically hot and swollen, these joints may respond poorly to vigor-ous heating of any kind. Vigorous heating is strictly contraindicated in cases of en-closed infections be they dental, in joints, or in any other tissues.
Metal pins, rods, artificial joints or any other surgical implants generally reflect far infrared waves and thus are not heated by this system. Nevertheless, you should consult your surgeon prior to using an infrared sauna. Certainly, the usage of an infra-red sauna must be discontinued if you experience pain near any such implants. Silicone does absorb far infrared energy, so implanted silicone or silicone prostheses for nose or ear replacement may be warmed by the far infrared waves. Since silicone melts at over 392 °F, it should not be adversely affected by the usage of infrared saunas. It is still advised that you check with your surgeon and possibly a representative from the implant manufacturer to be certain.
- Suffered a stroke (the sort caused by bleeding in the brain)
- Severe aortic stenosis
- Recently suffered a heart attack
- Unstable angina pectoris
- Lupus
- Brain tumors
- Been prescribed a steroid that interferes with blood circulation
- Very high blood pressure
- Very low blood pressure
- Multiple sclerosis
- Silicone implants
My general advice to folks is that if you have any reason whatsoever to doubt that a far infrared sauna is a safe and healthy therapy option for you and your body, go ahead and consult your doctor. I’m happy to tell you through this site or over the phone about the experience I’ve accrued in my years involved with far infrared saunas, but only a doctor can give medical advice.
I hate to admit it, but I was actually a bit hesitant the first time I ever used an infrared sauna. I’d been in traditional steam saunas before, and the stuffiness created by the incredibly high levels of humidity just wasn’t for me. I also didn’t know much about the technology, and I certainly didn’t know how safe they were. However, as I’ve said time and time again, using one changed my life. After my first time, I went right out and started talking to experts about the safety aspects. I learned all that I could, and next time I went into the sauna, the only thing on my mind was the health benefits.
That’s really how it should be for most people. For most adults, there’s no more risk to using a far infrared sauna than there is in spending a hot day outside at a picnic. Put aside any misconceptions you may have and give it a whirl. I truly believe that you’ll enjoy the weight loss, clear skin, pain relief, and detoxification so much that your misconceptions about sauna safety will immediately disappear.
As with most things in life, there is a right way and wrong way to use a far infrared sauna. We’ve already discussed some of the risks and conditions that users should be aware of when they plan their far infrared sauna therapy. Now let’s take a look at some ways you can enhance your wellness and safety when using an infrared sauna.
Sauna Safety Tip #1: Don’t bring in a plastic water bottle into your sauna that can melt and then seep into your water. Use a glass bottle or a mettle container.
Sauna Safety Tip #2: Don’t use your sauna more than once a day. You are significantly raising your core body temperature when you use your infrared sauna (100°F). While this is very healthy to do once per day, it can put too much stress on your body to do twice.
Sauna Safety Tip #3: Make sure to listen to your body while you’re in your sauna. If you feel like you’re overheating, simply crack the door a bit or walk out and wait until the next session.
Sauna Safety Tip #4: Stay hydrated (before, during and after) and make sure to keep your electrolyte levels high. Here’s how you can replenish them; Sodium: Pickled foods, cheese and table salt. Chloride: Table salt. Potassium: Fruits and vegetables like bananas, avocado and sweet potato. Magnesium: Seeds and nuts. Calcium: Green, leafy vegetables.
I am glad infrared saunas have developed the way they have, because I couldn’t imagine my life without the benefits they provide, like deep sleep, lower blood pressure, less joint pain, weight loss, and a boosted immune system. Here at SaunaCloud I sell saunas that are some of the best history has offered. My far infrared saunas use advanced ceramic-carbon combination heaters for an amazing sauna experience. For more information on how SaunaCloud’s infrared saunas work and how they can improve your health, download my book The Definitive Guide to Infrared Saunas. Just give us a call at SaunaCloud 1.800.370.0820.
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Christopher Kiggins | Sauna Enthusiast
I have been writing, learning, educating and generally pointing people in the right direction infrared sauna wise since 2012. Let me know how I can help: - (530) 417-1220